Ban NGL PostsOpenNot good, as people do not behave or respect boundaries of users using those, spreading slander/gossip.1
No Deleting of Posts and Comments before 24 hoursOpenNo deletion allowed, prompting people to be careful before posting. Can request moderayors to delete on their behalf1
Have mods. OpenGetting moderators. We could help cleanse the app. Remove/flag any inappropriate posts or any posts made to talk down on others. How people communicate with one another. Might help with creating a safer and effective platform. (You can have a process of how you’d filter out the best mods.) Time spent on here, character/history on here, the amount of influence they have, etc. This could be completely voluntary.1
Add SEE ALL to chat requestsOpenRight now we force you to accept/decline the top one, let you browse them all0
Mental health resources OpenA lot of people on the app are struggling with trauma and need resources to help them heal. It would be nice to have a community or group that is moderated by a mental health professional for help, healing, and growth.1
Editing post/comment time restriction reducedOpenReduced to 5 minutes. People edit comments after being replied to, to manipulate matters. Few votable examples of people on Muzz socials who do that. The controversial lot0
Remember last tab opened on MuzzOpenIf I closed the Muzz app and I was on social, then take me back there0
Public Custom groupsOpenLet people make PUBLIC custom groups - with moderators who can remove people/posts/comments0
Deactivate social sideOpenSometimes I don't want to use the social side but I want to use the marriage side only 0
Social media linksOpenAllow users on social and marriage sides to hyperlink their social medias or websites0
Keep French people in French only groups OpenThey are not making effort to communicate with other users it’s only fair to create groups just for them and not spam our feeds with French content that most users can’t understand 0